Wednesday, June 5, 2013

26 Days and Counting

   I'm not kidding! It's so freaking crazy that I literally leave in that amount of time. We are the "veterans" of the MTC now!!! Like honestly how crazy. I'm blown away. I'm so ready to go though. Remember when I said I could serve my whole mission in the MTC? I was honestly kidding. Especially since I met someone who is literally serving their ENTIRE misison in the MTC. It's really sad actually. They are slightly disabled. It is so amazing that they came here to do the Lord's work just like us. They sit on computers all day long chatting with people that want to chat from They had 110 BAPTISMS last year from it. Isn't that so incredible?! Anyways I'm just amazed because I honestly don't believe I could do that. I've been here 5 weeks. I'm slightly going socially insane!!!
   Alright! I have good news and bad news! Which is first?? Good news. WHO WANTS TO SEE ME? Any takers? Oh well, that is okay, You can watch me on TV. :) So we are doing this choir thing for all of the mission presidents.....wait for it.....and the twelve apostles....wait for it.....AND THE FIRST PRESIDENCY. How freaking psychotic? I'm getting out of here. It's just in the Marriot Center. It's on June 23 and it's being broadcasted! I'm obviously going to wear my cheetah shirt so I'll stand out among the crowd! Alright more good news. Next week I go to the Marriot Center again! I'm not sure what this one is for. I forget.... But we are doing it. Maybe it's a practice. Who knows. Anyways, I have some more good news! On Sunday I rode in a car! A real one. It was glorious. Bad news is that it was to the health center in Provo. But hey, everyone has to make sacrifices. Including my health. It was definitely a bummer. I had like this flu.... It is actually a viral infection. They couldn't do anything for me besides tell me I needed to sleep. So that night I slept for 20 hours. Bless my companions hearts.... They are champer dampers.... I love them. Honestly though it really made me appreciate them! But I'm good today! Promise.... I also may have an infected bug bite. I'll get more to you on that later... Don't worry. I won't turn into Garret.

   Speaking of him, the spanish missionaries here are so stinking annoying. I mean, obviously some of it has to do with my southeast Asian pride. But honestly  They think they are so cool. They always like steal table at dinner. I'm like, okay. Woah....Missionaries. Calm it down. I'm not a hermana and don't point your spanish rice in my face. Let me eat my egg roll in peace. Just kidding they are fun sometimes. We have this rivaraly with them at kick ball. It's like at gym, "Okay guys, we need to go kick some spanish missionaries at kickball now." I think we all understand each other. Haha no, every missionary here is hilarious. The longer they've been here the more immature they are which means the more fun they are!!!

   Thai lesson anyone? So we learned the word for pirate... It's Jon Salad. Which literally translates to "Salad Thief." They go big in thailand when they steal... let me tell you:). Next is The word for easy.... it's the hardest word to say ever. I'm like, that is the most ironic word..... it's nguu nguu blaah blaah. Okay, how do you pronounce "ng" at the beggining of a word? You get made fun of by your teachers. Seriously...... It's the best. My teacher Brother Phan is such a nerd. He makes pokemon references to everthing we learn. It's honestly a great memory tool. We were working on tones the other day. Oh gosh. I've never seen Brother Phan laugh so stinking hard! I was struggling. So was everyone. But hey, I'm trying:) Thai is awesome. Honestly I think it could be a lot harder than it is. The sentence structuring is simple. There is no filler words like "the," and no congegations. Just tones. I feel like i'm going to take those words back as soon as I get to Thailand........ so the word for health in thai is "Sugabod" and it literally sounds like sugarpop. Sister Stack was in the middle of the lesson and just was like oh ya your "sugarpop" hahah. Most american, non-thai accent. So funny. Anyways.... 

   Sister Stack this week. Oh bless her little heart. She had an inflamed spleen so we all took turns so she could sleep. Anwyays after she was in pain for two days the doctor fianlly gave her some medicine. Hahaha. Oh gosh. She was straight up, uhhh I think high is the most innocent way I could put that. She was so quotable that night. It was literally her on this like anesthetic things. And oh my gosh. We were just in class. And every girl in our district is slightly in love with our teacher borther Shipley..... we all have it filed away in our brains... he is just not human. The things that come out of his mouth are just heaven and he knows exactly what to say everytime. He is definitely lead by the spirit. Anyways.... She was sitting there and Brother Shipley is just a little puppy, like how do I teach this woman? hahaha.... She was like "Brother shipley you are the most humble person I've ever met, you must have been born happy." Borther Shipley was dying. He could not contain himself and honestly he never laughs. But she sat at dinner, "What is water" "What is pizza" "What is ice." So serious. She was like obsessed with Enos from the Book of Mormon. No one knew why. And WE were sitting at the computers doing language study and she was like, "AHHHHH THE COMPUTER IS SPEAKING BOXES." Okay. Obviously. It's probably one of those you had to be there moments. But it was the best day of our lives. So that's why I had to share....

   I learned how to testify of bacon yesterday.... I bore my testimony of bacon in a letter to, wait for it.... yes it's marie. The only persoon that shares my love for bacon. I sent it to her in Thai. It's pretty legit. Everyone tells me I have good script handwriting. I take it as a compliment. I love writing it. And reading it.  I love reading Thai. I'm slightly obsessed. I can read anything. Understanding it is a different.... Have I told you the people of Thailand really don't have a bible. So we really aren't allowed to use things out of the bible. They don't have the King James version in Thai. Which is depressing because the New Testament is honestly my favorite.... Well between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Christ's love you can't get anywhere else....But yes. So we stick to the Book of Mormon, the keystone of our religion.

   This week we had district prayers which we did the $100 chair. Where everyone in the room says nice things about you! It's honestly the best feeling in the world. I will just mention a few of my favorites..." Sister Phelps, you are the coolest girl I've ever met, not only are you the only one that gets our dumb jokes, but you are making the dumb jokes..." Classic.... "You never wear out, just like your contacts."... Some cute ones as well. My testimony, being a very generous person, good friend. It's amazing. I really loved it. My district is so cool.

   So this week has been spiritually amazing too. I'm sorry I don't get to these things till towards the end. But a couple things. On Sunday when I was dying, well we sang "If you Could Hie to Kolob", and honestly probably the most powerful song of my entire life. I'm so blessed to be here. I don't deserve these things. I also realized this week that reading the scriptures for my personal self will never happen. It's slightly depressing. I stay up 5 minutes later than I'm supposed to so I can be "selfish" and read my scriptures. Seriously all of our time, energy, and spirit is focused on the investigators we have 6 now. This week I asked Brother Shipley if I ever would have time and he just shared with me how important my calling is and there is no room for me. He shared with me a scripture, obviously Ether 12:27. It was a different standpoint though on how I honestly just need to lose myself in this work. I cannot be selfish. There is no time for it. I've made the commitment as soon as I was set apart to forget my worries and I'm promised that as I do this work for the Lord, forgetting about my troubles and weaknesses, then will i be a successful missionary, and it's then that I will not focus on myself. If that made any sense whatsoever. I actually am out of time. But honestly  This week has really showed me who I am. I have come to find myself the more that I study for investigators... I dream in Thai. It's sick. I'm here for a reason. I'm going to Thailand for a reason. Heavenly Father knows, I'm not quite sure yet. But I'm ready for this adventure! Wish me luck!!

   **Hey mother tell dad thank you so much for the donuts.... I loved them. I eat them everyday, because I'm so fat....Seriously though. My jeans. I don't even know how they fit still.....And how about no more cookies or donuts for a while. Maybe something salty if you ever want to send something:) We eat so many sweets. We are like! Noooooooo whenever someone in our room gets sweets. We just have fat attacks. Maybe some lime hot cheetos.... and cup of soup? Mmmm..... That sounds good. We have a microwave right next to us... I dobn't need anything though. Just if you ever feel like it.....Also our family is hot from the wedding.! I love us........... I got to go bye!

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