Seriously What the freak? I leave on Monday? No stinking way! I gave all the details to mom so if you want to know when I go and such talk to her. Well, the rumors are true. I'm fat. I ripped my pants trying to get them on. I don't really know what to do now besides cry. Just kidding. I'm just fat. No big deal! Alright! Wait what this is my last week in America for 17 months say what?! So weird! I'm so ready to get out of here! I'm going a little crazy! But I still love it at the same time. It's the best! Also, I'm a star! I was on TV. Yes, I was on it. We have watched it a thousand times all our district pointing out our faces from the broadcast! It was so much fun! Ahhhh, I'm on the front picture of! :) Check out my fat rolls.
So yes! This week has been another eventful week in the MTC as well. I am telling you. Our disctrict/companionship just does not have a normal MTC experience.... Welp. Drum roll. BED BUGS. Remember I was telling you about my bug bites? Well I didn't explain how bad it was. It swelled up my leg and got infected and had to go to the health center a couple of times. Anyways. No worries. It's just a nasty scab/scar now. Don't freak out momma. But anyways. We had....bed bugs... The freaking worst ever..... All day on Monday, the two district of girls that got in on May 1st. Yeah. both of our rooms were infested. So we had to pack EVERYTHING up and move rooms. It was the biggest pain. I was like, this would happen to us. Seriously though they treated us like lepers. We had to wash EVERYTHING. Spray all our stuff with bug killers and I just felt so unworthy. Haha. Just kidding but seriously. It was crazy and hilarious......We were like, this would happen our last week here. Actually you know what I felt like? Remember in Monsters Inc. when they found the sock on the fuzzy monster and freaked out and shaved all his hair? Yes that would be us.... We again, were treated like lepers.
You know you have been in the MTC too long when............
1) you get bed bugs
2) you find the Lord's sense of humor in everything that is funny. Come on.... "emu" Seriously. Hilarious.
3) When Janice Kapp Perry comes again to speak.....ON THE SAME EXACT TALK SHE GAVE LAST TIME. Except this time was way more cool. She wrote new lyrics to the "EFY medley" for the boys, because remember she had already wrote it for the girls and it was all about missionary work.... pretty awesome. But yes. I heard the same exact talk twice.
4) When in Thai the word for "speak" is "Phuud" litterally sounds like the toilet waste pood. And when your companion starts to complain about something our teacher said and said, "Daa Brother Shipley Phuud." And the immaturity coimes out and everyone starts laughing.
5) Also the word in Thai is "oobuttyhead" Seriously. Who came up with that word. It's like saying lake titticaca without laughing. Every time I see elder proctor(roughly 50 times a day) That is our greeting to each other... Oh and it means "accident" Oh I was like hey, I'm an accident... Because. Lets get real. I was an accident:) Right parents? haha
6) I was also called a dinosaur in my lesson with one of our investigators.....Because I squack.... that genetic disorder where we gulf too my air or something. Yeah roughly happens 17 times a day to me hear.... I'm a true pteridactle. Sorry baby connor. I got this one....
7)When your companion has her tonsils taken out, time to recover and all that jazz.
I had more in my head this morning..... But oh well....
So our sub, Brother Burges who is the other district teacher subbed our class and told us some freaking hilarious stories! In Thai obviously. He wanted some more milk from this shop. He was like "pour me some more milk." And that phrase in Thailand has a slang which really says, "Can you shake your breasts." And to his surprise, The old Viatnamese man serving him the milk started dancing for him. Haha he said his companion was rolling. Okay, I think those are the funniest ones.
So crazy this week is you know, mission presidents, and no i didn't see President Smith. I saw him on Sunday but he was so far away... But yeah, so we are about to walk up to the front desk and they were like, oh wait hang on. Elder Holland is about to walk through these doors, can you move to the side and we can take you so you don't see him. Yeah we are that close to these men at all times. They put drapes in the main building so no one looks in....
Well, I love the MTC. It's like...home...... It's slightly a mix between junior high school and a prison.... But I like it. I miss you guys like crazy..... I seriously do!!! Especially those little ones who are growing up way too fast. I just remember the night before I left I was like, Can I do this for 18 months? Haha. But yes. It's worth leaving my family for 18 months so my investigators can be with there families for eternity!
From the devotional I have no idea what to think. It was honestly the most spiritually rewarding experience I've ever had in the MTC. Like I was so lucky to be sitting ten rows back from some of the 12. It was so cute. Elder Nelson is the CUTEST! Like every 10 minutes he would turn around and wave to us. Elder Bednar and Elder Scott did once as well. It was so cool. I was so close to them... But I love the words Elder Anderson spoke on. Just that if we do our best the Lord will not let us fail. The Lord leads us by thge hand and the miracles follow. I hope that devo had everyone pumped for missionary work! Seriously. You know that lady that shared her conversion story with elder Nelson, Sister Marriott? Yeah she spoke to us last week in Relief Society. It was awesome! I think it's SO cool how aware the Lord is of this generation. This mission will spread so far! AHHHHH. I'm so lucky to be a part of this historic time in the MTC when I was a first for everything!!!! So it was also funny in the broadcast, we saw the teleprompter the whole time. Haha. I had such a headache after! Oh and those videos of Elder Anderson in Thailand? Amazing. I cried haha. And when the Children sang those missionary medleys. Couldn't stop those tears. I miss kids so much and the Lord is SOOOO preparing his children while they are young for missionary work. I remember how much it wasn't pushed in primary. But now, the twins know I'm in Thailand. Ahhh. I just love this... It's the greatest. I have never had a strong passion to serve as I do right now!
Talk to you on Monday! Also, tomorrow [Thursday] would be the last day to send me a dear elder because they don't do dear elders on weekends and such. So I will never get them. So thats about it! Love you all! Oh and Aunt Karen is the BOMB She sent me all the diet coke I would ever need and some goodies. Oh my gosh. I love her so much..... I needed that diet coke today. She knew. That is all.
Bed bugs.... Bio hazzard bags... We are the lepers..... mighty mighty lepers. |
It was Elder Hill's birthday party..... (his actual bday is July 3) but as you can see, my hat was falling off....action shot |
That was outside the temple this morning with our district girls. I love them so much. I'll miss them and the temple terribly |
Sister Hughes pre-surgery :) So much fun... Also family. She is pretty much fully recovered. It was a good week this week. Lord has really blessed her.. |
Oh you know... Me and the Sister Cole Slaugh hosting new missionaries last week. |
Me and Elder Black in my zone. We have pandas. Hence the picture with panda bears. |
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This picture was sent to Jessica by her friend that works at the MTC who spotted Emilee on the run. |
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