JST: JesSikiah Translations
Excerpts from the missionary Jessikiah's translations of the Book of Emilieya. Short excerpts are provided after verses. Longer excerpts are not provided because there are better things to do with a missionaries time.
1. I Emilieya (Nickname sister) Having been born of goodly parents, therefore i was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the lord in all my days yea, having a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceeding in my 9 month, 2 week mark in the state of Thailand as senior companion with Jessikiah as my truested fruit of my loins(I am her second mother)
2. And it came to pass, In the 4th year of the reign of Obama I make a record of the course of my dealing in Thailand over the last week. As I was tarrying in the large freshly cut field of grass in the park of Pak kret Prophesieying unto the people that they must repent or the great spirit they possess will be destroyed. I recieved a call from an aquantance.
3.Wherefore it came to pass that my acquaintances, the elders, went forth and prayed unto the Lord yea, even to know which direction of the changwattana street to go on, they came across a man, whose stature was average among the rest, whose asian eyes were no smaller than the next, and they cried unto him saying: "Behold, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,"
4.And It came to pass that this man, thus overcame with the spirit did not understand the language thus spoken, He said unto the Elder, "Woah be unto you, you see that I am Asian amongst the THais but nevertheless I speak only the Language of my fathers, which is chinese and some english."
5.And after this manner, elder thus said unto the chinese gentile do not fear god is with my sister missionary i will callest upon them.
6And now, I Emilieya do not make a full account of the things which the elder spoken unto the chinese gentile for i hath written many things unto the multitudes of people in america concerning these things. And after many days of learning from the missionaries. Jay had come to know of these things for himself and he thus rejoiced and his whole heart was filled.
JST: and it came to pass that they said unto him: behold, here are the waters of pakkret (for thus was the font called) and now, as ye are desirous to come unto the chaengwattana branch, and to be called a brother, and are willing to obey the word of wisdom, come to church every sunday, obey the law of chastity and pay your tithing...that ye may have eternal life? now we say unto you, if this be the desire of your heart, what have you against being baptized this sunday at 4:00? and now when jay heard these words, he clapped his hands for joy, and exclaimed "this is the desire of my heart!"
mosiah 18:8-11
8 And the people did mock him because of the believings of him. Jay said unto a pharasee "Everyone believeth what they knoweth, i will praise my god forever, let us eat some lunch and be friends." but the trouble pharasee rejected him....
9. Meanwhile I emilieya suffereth from a pinched nerve, therefore, i make a record of my proceeding in my bed. The lord alloweth me to take the taxi and the song tows but I must not ride the bicycle until further tomorrow. But I will go and do the things which the lord hath commandeth me. For I know the Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
10. There fore jay suffereth for his country hath no freedom in religion and was concerned for his future, he debathath whether the promise with thy god is the right path. But I knoweth that the lord will not give a commandment that his children can not keep. therefore jay trusteth the lord with all his hear and leaned no to his own understanding in all his ways he shall acknowledge him and he knoweth that god will direct his path.
11. ANd it came to pass that for the space of 12 hours jay cried unto the GOd and looketh upon lds.org for answers to his soul.
12. And it came to pass that I sister did cause a lot of heartache for i did care so much about jay. And after 1 dinner and 1 breakfast we did call upon the chinese gentile and did talk with him for the space of many minutes and he shareth his concerns for his country of the problem. We understood him not for we were put in the promise land since birth but we did exclaim unto him the dsires of our hearts.
13. And it came to pass after the space of many minutes jay explained to I , Emilieya and my companion Jessikiah that he will not partake of the blessings from God this week. For he hath saith unto us "Verily Verily, I will think upon the desires of my heart because I know these things are true, I don't want to change myself just yet."
JST-and we spoke unto jay, and now remember, rememeber our brother, behold, you are free; ye are permitted to act for yourself; for behold, god has given you this knowledge and he has made you free. He has given unto you that you might know good from evil...
helaman 14:30-31
14. The lord hath called us to labor for his work. He saith unto us, "The field is white already to harvest go out with you sickle and gather mine elect."
15. Therefore with this counsel we found the Elect with thy god. But didn't baptize many nations (Even CHina)
16. Now when our hearts were depressed and we were about to turn back behold the lord comforted us and said, "Go amongst thy bretheren, the asians, and bear with patience thine affliction, and I will give you sucess."
17.And Now behold, we have come, and been forth umongst them and we have been patient in our suffering which consists of pinched limbs, sore necks, and hurt bums, yea, we have travelevd from house to house, park to park, grocery store to grocery store, relying upon the mercies of the world alone but up one the mercies of God.
18. And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets, yea, and we have taught them upon their hills, and we have also entered into their temples and the mosques and taught them (Just kidding about that one.) and we have been rejected, and mocked, and called beautiful by crazies, been chased, and we have been laguhed at, and were told by the many multitudes "Behold, i am buddah" (true story people can't say i'm buddist in english so they say i'm budda) But through the power and wisdom of God we have been delievered again.
19.And it came to pass that preperation day came near and we rejoiced and prepared for TRANSFERS that cometh on Thursday. Jessikiah and I await patiently....
JST and now, because i am a farang (a white person), and have spoken unto you the words which the lord hath commanded me, and because it was in poor thai, and you like worshipping little gold statues... you thought that you could just walk by me and not listen to my message! but ye SHALL hear my words (for i will follow you) for this intent have i come upon your bridges, and your sidewalks, and your malls... and your 7-11s... that ye might hear and know of Jesus Christ and of baptism. (helaman 14:11-12)
yea, i say unto you, that the more part of the missionaries are doing this, and they are striving with unwearied diligence that they may bring the remainder of their asian brethren to the knowledge of the truth; therefore there are many who do add to their numbers weekly. yea, they did wax strong in their knowledge of their God, in their faith, and in their ability to speak thai. (helaman 15:6)
JST: JesSikiah Translations
Excerpts from the missionary Jessikiah's translations of the Book of Emilieya. Short excerpts are provided after verses. Longer excerpts are not provided because there are better things to do with a missionaries time.
Cross References (1 Nephi 1, 1Ne. 3:7, D&C 29:7, D&C 4, Alma 26:27-29, Proverbs 3:5)
I also LOVE the rain<3 And my new comfortable dress<3 |
Selfies<3. Bazinga..... I love life. |
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